What goes on in the quieter summer months

What goes on in the quieter summer months

For those who wonder what many small retail businesses get up to during the quieter summer months...it's all about refine, improve, perfect.
September 05, 2024
Is Perfume for everyone? By Ella-Rose Cleaver

Is Perfume for everyone? By Ella-Rose Cleaver

Perfume is a significant global market which has remained resilient and successful for hundreds of years and continues to evolve. The industry is increasingly prioritising environmentally conscious practises in response to a growth in demand for “natural” cosmetics. 
March 20, 2023
geraniums and lavender plants growing

The Magic of Three - September 2021

This month we are winding down and keeping things simple with the Magic of Three.

The perfume industry has at its disposal over 5000 ingredients, the vast majority being synthetically manufactured and many of which are patented to generate licensing income to the fragrance house that owns the patent – so a big commercial industry.

August 31, 2021
off skin scent natural

Why we want to wear scent off the skin

Our skin is an amazing organ, and an incredibly complex one even though it is only a few millimetres thick.

Not only does it protect us from harmful things like moisture, the cold, and sun rays, but it is also capable of absorbing certain chemicals into the bloodstream which can make it an efficient way of applying medical treatment trans-dermally through creams, lotions and patches.

December 02, 2020