Scent, dementia, and happy memories

Scent, dementia, and happy memories

There is a close connection between the sense of smell and memory, with certain scents taking us right back to our earliest years. For those who suffer with Dementia, the inability to retain special moments can be both frustrating and upsetting.
May 01, 2023
helichrysum yellow flowers growing

Sun + Gold = October 2021

After last month’s magic of three, working with lavender, lemon, and rose geranium, all super strong, well known ingredients battling it out to get prominence, we are going down a lesser known path.
October 06, 2021
off skin scent natural

Why we want to wear scent off the skin

Our skin is an amazing organ, and an incredibly complex one even though it is only a few millimetres thick.

Not only does it protect us from harmful things like moisture, the cold, and sun rays, but it is also capable of absorbing certain chemicals into the bloodstream which can make it an efficient way of applying medical treatment trans-dermally through creams, lotions and patches.

December 02, 2020