In The News
Thank you Woman's Weekly
...for featuring this article on essential oils and some various ways to use them
Why you should be using essential oils
Life it or not blog focuses on parents...and why they should be using essential oils 💧
Mumforce blog on Perfino and the sustainability of essential oils
A blog post here from FB Scottish Parenting/Lifestyle blog @Mumforce10 on exactly how sustainable essential oils are. Thank you Mumforce for the visibility on such an issue which does indeed require transparency🙏
Broke girl in the city blog
I spent much of my life in thrall to women of style, poise, and elegance, trying hard to absorb a tiny bit of their ‘je ne sais quoi’. I studied French at university, spent a year living in Paris, and a summer working for lords and ladies on the Riviera, lapping up all the influences. It seemed to me that the one core ingredient to achieving sublime elegance was perfume. Read more